A confronting,
deliberately shocking Australian handmade book prepared beneath the shadow of
war in Iraq, Afghanistan, Sudan, Lebanon and the all-encompassing ‘War on
Terror’. It explores the illegality, inhumanity and propaganda of war—and the
ultimate tragedy of war: death.
The collaborative effort of painter Theo Strasser, photomonteur and poet Peter
Lyssiotis and bookbinder Monica Oppen, it was published in an edition of ten.
Images taken from newspaper articles dealing with corporate greed and the
acquisition of military hardware are juxtaposed with handwritten apocalyptic
messages and Biblical phrases. The pages are awash with bloodred paint. The red
buckram cover suggests blood; the pink leather, human skin; and the exposed
stitching on the spine recalls the stitching of the lips of detainees. Six
leather straps around the spine symbolise the prison bars that confined the
inmates. The book comes in a calico bag, evocative of hooded prisoners or sombre
body bags.
Display item Eyewitness, 2008
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