Heritage Collection 2007

of the Saints, bound manuscript on vellum
illuminated by Neri da Rimini, 1328
Richardson 273
Nelson Meers Foundation, displays some of the rare, famous and historically significant items from the State Library of New South Wales' world renowned collection.
In this remarkable semi-permanent exhibition, items associated with some of history's most interesting and creative people, among them Charles Darwin, Jessie Traill and Nero da Rimini, are displayed in 2007. With regular page turnings and item changes, visitors will experience at first hand the range and richness of the Library's collection.
Images and descriptions of items withdrawn from display are added to the Heritage Collection Archives.
I would like to acknowledge with gratitude the Nelson Meers Foundation for supporting this ambitious and inspiring project which I am sure will bring delight and interest to a great many people.
Regina Sutton, State Librarian & Chief Executive
1 January 2007 – 31 December 2007
Galleries, Mitchell Wing
State Library opening hours
Admission: Free
Presented by the Nelson Meers Foundation