proposal for a dam on the Gordon River in south-west Tasmania, which would also
have impacted on the wild Franklin River which joined the Gordon, was announced
by the Tasmanian Hydro-Electric Commission in 1978. It led to one of the most
significant environmental campaigns in Australia.
In November 1982, The Tasmanian Wilderness Society announced a blockade of the area, which would begin in December, to disrupt building work. This highly organised and non-violent protest attracted international media interest. The journal, kept in a protest camp, was a place where protesters could note activities and detailed logistics of the campaign. It also features a number of strategic maps.
In March 1983, the newly elected Federal Labor Government passed legislation
prohibiting the dam. Tasmania challenged its validity in the High Court. On 1
July 1983, the Court upheld its validity by a slim majority: four to three. Work
on the dam ceased.
Display item Franklin River campaign
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