Sandra Williams | State Library of New South Wales
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Exhibitions & events
What A Life! Rock photography by Tony Mott
On tour
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Past exhibitions
2016 past exhibitions
2015 past exhibitions
2014 past exhibitions
2013 past exhibitions
2012 past exhibitions
2011 past exhibitions
2010 past exhibitions
2009 past exhibitions
2008 past exhibitions
2007 past exhibitions
2006 past exhibitions
National Treasures from Australia's Great Libraries
An Unbroken View: early nineteenth century panoramas
Eora: Mapping Aboriginal Sydney 1770-1850
First Sight: the Dutch mapping of Australia 1606-1697
World Press Photo 2006
On the Run: Daring Convict Escapes
Bound for Glory: Exquisite Books of French Pacific Voyages
Doug Moran National Portrait Prize 2006
Exotica: The Macquarie Collectors Chest
Archived exhibitions
Conferences & symposiums
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Past exhibitions
2006 past exhibitions
Doug Moran National Portrait Prize 2006
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Exhibition home
2006 Finalists
2006 Winner
Previous winners
Sydney's choice
Summer Portrait
Sandra Williams