Inside the race book

Photograph PXE 789 (v.50) / 87
The Australian Jockey Club has long produced attractive and informative booklets for racegoers.
The race books included necessary details about each race, fastest times on each track, a horse's age and weight carried, riders' colours, how and where to place bets and collect winnings and entry fees. Importantly, space was left in each race book for punters to make notes recording race results and bets placed. Racegoers could also discover when the band was playing, luncheon arrangements and travel information to and from the racecourse.
The example from June 1931, below, is from the Library's extensive Davis Sporting Collection No.1, 1862-1936. Among other useful information, this race book reveals that at the AJC's Winter Meeting that year, oysters were available in the Oyster Room all day.
The photograph at right, by Sam Hood, shows five female racegoers examining their race books at Randwick.