In search of Leichhardt - Augustus Charles Gregory

Extract from Diary of the Leichhardt Search Expedition, 11 Sept. 1857-5 April 1858, and accounts, 18 Dec. 1857-22 Dec. 1858
Augustus Charles Gregory
B 867
Sept 11 1857: Attended a Public Meeting at the German Club Rooms Sydney, which had been called for the purpose of establishing a Committee to Consider the best manner of conducting a search for traces of Dr. Leichhardt who had left the settled districts of Moreton Bay in 184[4] to proceed to Western Australia but of whom no authentic tidings have since been received. At the Meeting it was resolved to form an association to be called the Leichhardt Association having the above named objects. And I was requested to prepare an estimate of the probable Cost and also to suggest general details for an expedition in search of the missing Explorers.
Sept 12 1857: Preparing Estimates for the proposed Expedition in search of Dr. Leichhardt.