Australia Felix: Sir Thomas Mitchell's Third Expedition to the Interior (Land & Property Management Authority)
On 19 March 1836, Sir Thomas Mitchell embarked on his third surveying expedition which resulted in the discovery of lush pasture in what is now Western Victoria (called by Mitchell “Australia Felix” or “fortunate” or “happy” Australia). This exhibition uses the original plans of Mitchell’s third exhibition to trace his journey and explore the mythology of “Australia Felix”.
Frank Walker Crossings Collection
The Frank Walker Crossings Collection is a digitisation project by the Royal Australian Historical Society to commemorate the bicentenary in May 2013 of the crossing of the Blue Mountains by Gregory Blaxland, William Lawson and William Charles Wentworth.
Dig: The Burke & Wills Research Gateway (State Library of Victoria)
In 1861, Burke and Wills buried their last messages under a tree marked ‘DIG’. Now those messages and the rest of their story can be found at this site.
Project Gutenberg Australia
A collection of ebook journals of Australian land and sea explorers and discoverers.