Three years after starting a class at his father's house, Thomas Hassall formalised the Sunday school movement, with requirements and rules established and printed for the guidance of teachers. A meeting on December 1, 1815 resolved to form the Institution 'for the Establishing and Promoting of Sunday Schools throughout the Colony, with a view to the Instruction of poor Children of both Sexes, to read the Holy Scriptures'.
As there was only one printing press in the colony, it was thought to be too costly to print Sunday school material on it. The Rev. Marsden set up the Missionary Press in Rowland Hassall’s house for the printing of Sunday school literature and this was used to print the first set of Rules and Requirements for persons engaging themselves as teachers in the Parramatta Sunday School.
The Institution was supported by voluntary subscriptions and donations by members.
Requirements and Rules for persons engaging themselves as teachers, Hassall family - printed leaflets of the Parramatta Sunday School and the New South Wales Sunday School Institution, 1816, Manuscript Safe 1/31a
> View the Requirements and rules via the Library's catalogue