Male Orphan School
The first Male Orphan School, established by Governor Macquarie, was opened in 1819, in the building in George Street, Sydney, previously occupied by the Female Orphan School. The school admitted orphaned and destitute boys, mostly aged between seven and ten, and provided them with a basic education and industrial training, until such time as they could be apprenticed out to work as servants, labourers or tradesmen of various kinds.
> See a selection of indentures for boys at the Male Orphan school
The first Master appointed to run the School was Thomas Bowden, a staunch Methodist from Devonshire, England, who is said to have impressed Reverend Samuel Marsden with his efficiency and piety. In 1824, the school relocated to farmland in the Liverpool district (now Bonnyrigg) owned by the Female Orphan School, after the boys’ Sydney location had become dilapidated and overcrowded. In 1850 the school was closed and the boys amalgamated with the Female Orphan School at Parramatta to become the Protestant Orphan School which operated until 1886.
The Male Orphan School roll book, held by the Mitchell Library, covers the period 1 January 1819 to 18 September 1848. It records details of the students including their name, age, when admitted, time of quitting school, parents name, occupation, residence and any further remarks, such as whether the child was indentured. There is also a listing of students and their physical attributes (at the back of the book) including eyes and hair colour, height, and a description of their teeth, nose, eyebrows and other general characteristics.
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Selection from: Male Orphan School - Roll book, 1 January 1819-18 September 1848. Manuscript. C 200
Selected TRANSCRIPT: Male Orphan School - Roll book, 1819-1848. C200
[Note: Original text is in table form which has not been replicated. Where the original table spreads across two pages, the transcription has been placed with the first page]
1. Name: James Lees
Age: 10 years
When admitted: Jany. 1 1819
Time of quitting the school: Aug. 1825
Parents’ names: Ann Lees
Occupation: Washerwoman
Residence: 38 King St Sydney
Remarks: App’d [apprenticed] to Ins [Institution] as Carpenter. Disch’d Aug. 1825.
2. Name: John Pounds
Age: 8
When admitted: Jany 1. 1819
Time of quitting the school: 31 Aug 1820
Parents’ names: No parent
Remarks: Died of Inflammation of the Bowels
3. Name: William Gammage
Age: 10
When admitted: Jany 1 1819
Time of quitting the school: 26 Nov 1822
Parents’ names: Jane Gammage
Occupation: Baker
Residence: Cumberland St. Sydney
Remarks: App.d to his Father in law
4. Name: John Green
Age: 6
When admitted: Jany 1. 1819
Time of quitting the school: April 1825
Parents’ names: Cathe Green
Occupation: Washerwoman
Residence: 3 King Street Sydney
Remarks: Runaway
5. Name: Thomas Bowman
Age: 7
When admitted: Jany 1. 1819
Time of quitting the school: Aug 22 1826
Parents’ names: Cath Bowman
Occupation: Washerwoman
Residence: 36 Clarence St Sydney
Remarks: Disch Aug 22 Jones & Walker
6. Name: Henry Logan
Age: 8
When admitted: Jany 1. 1819
Time of quitting the school: Oct 27 1820
Parents’ names: Eleanor Logan
Occupation: Servant
Residence: Parramatta Road
Remarks: Disch Aug 22
to Jones & Walker Oct 27
7. Name: James Chapman
Age: 9
When admitted: Jany 1 1819
Time of quitting the school: Augt 1825
Parents’ names: Ann Chapman
Occupation: Baker
Residence: New Street Sydney
Remarks: Appd to Institution as Carpenter
8. Name: James Horner
Age: 9
When admitted: Jany 1. 1819
Time of quitting the school: July 1823
Parents’ names: Mary Horner
Occupation: Washerwoman
Residence: 16 Pitt Street Sydney
Remarks Appd to S. Lord Esq.
9. Name: Thomas Anderson
Age: 8
When admitted: Jany 1. 1819
Time of quitting the school: March 1823
Parents’ names: Mary Anderson
Occupation: Baker
Residence: Cumberland St. Sydney
Remarks: Appd to D Bell Sydney
10. Name: Richard Gardiner
Age: 9
When admitted: Jany 1. 1819
Time of quitting the school: Augt 1825
Parents’ names: Lucy Gardiner
Occupation: Washerwoman
Residence: 2 Pitt St. Sydney
Remarks: Bound app [apprentice] to the Institution as Shoemaker
19 December 1821
11. Name: George Stubbs
Age: 8
When admitted: Jany 1.
Time of quitting the school: 26 Nov 1822
Parents’ names: Esther Stubbs
Occupation: Dealer
Residence: Philip Street Sydney
Remarks: Appd to J Biggs
12. Name: John Eddington
Age: 8
When admitted: Jany 1. 1819
Time of quitting the school: March 14, 1827
Parents’ names: Grizzle Macfarlane
Occupation: Fishwoman
Residence: 5 Clarence St Sydney
Remarks: Bound Apprentice to Mr Driver
13. Name: Thomas Dansey
Age: 7
When admitted: Jany 1. 1819
Time of quitting the school: Dec 26 1826
Parents’ names: None
Remarks: Dischd to Messrs Berry & Wolstonecraft
14. Name: Henry Brown
Age: 8
When admitted: Jany 1 1819
Time of quitting the school: Sept 1826
Parents’ names: Eliza Brown
Occupation: Servant
Residence: Kerry Lodge Nepean
Remarks: Disch 29 Sep 1826 Major Druitt
15. Name: John Wilkinson
Age: 8
When admitted: Jany 1. 1819
Time of quitting the school: October 1826
Parents’ names: Ann Foulcher
Occupation: Smith
Residence: Philip St. Parramatta
Remarks: Disch to his Step Father Foulcher
16. Name: John Thomas
Age: 8
When admitted: Jany 1. 1819
Time of quitting the school: Oct 27 1826
Parents’ names: Elizabeth Thomas
Occupation: In the Factory
Residence: Church St Parramatta
Remarks: Disch Sep 29 [indecipherable] Jones & Walker
17. Name: Francis Stewart
Age: 9
When admitted: Jany 1. 1819
Time of quitting the school: 21 Jany 1824
Parents’ names: Rose Stewart
Occupation: Nurse
Residence: Church St. Parramatta
Remarks: appd to Revd T Reddall
18. Name: Simon Watling
Age: 8
When admitted: Jany 1. 1819
Time of quitting the school: Augt 22 1826
Parents’ names: Anne Watling
Occupation: Shoemaker
Residence: George Street Parramatta
Remarks: Disch to Jones & Walker
19. Name: Michael Clarke
Age: 8
When admitted: Jany 1. 1819
Time of quitting the school: Dec 26 1826
Parents’ names: Eliz Clarke
Occupation: Landholder
Residence: Cornwallis
Remarks: Appd to Messrs Jones & Walker
20. Edward Welsh
Age: 9
When admitted: Jany 1. 1819
Time of quitting the school: Aug 22 1826
Parents’ names: Bridget Murray
Residence: Parramatta
Remarks: Disch to Jones & Walker
21. Name: John McKay
Age: 8
When admitted: Jany 1. 1819
Time of quitting the school: May 2 1823
Parents’ names: Judith Quinlan
Residence: Richmond
Remarks: Apprenticed to the Institution as Tailor May 1823
22. Name: James Martin
Age: 8
When admitted: Jany 1. 1819
Time of quitting the school: May 5 1827
Parents’ names: Mary Martin
Occupation: Washerwoman
Residence: George Street Windsor
Remarks: Corpn office
23, Name: Christopher Ralph
Age: 10
When admitted: Jany 1. 1819
Time of quitting the school: 2 May 1825
Parents’ names: Luke Ralph
Occupation: Soldier
Residence: George Street Windsor
Remarks: Apprenticed to Mr Lord
24. Name: William Davis
Age: 10
When admitted: Jany 1. 1819
Time of quitting the school: Augt 1825
Parents’ names: William and Margaret Davis
Occupation: Blind
Residence: Pitt Town
Remarks: Apprenticed to the Inst. but since Discharged
25. Name: John Clark
Age: 7
When admitted: Jany 1. 1819
Time of quitting the school: Dec 26 1820
Parents’ names: Elizabeth Clarke
Occupation: Landholder
Residence: Cornwallis
Remarks: Disch Dec. 26 1820 Messrs Berry & Wolstonecraft
26. Name: William Ward
Age: 9
When admitted: Jany 1. 1819
Time of quitting the school: May 2 1823
Parents’ names: Mary Ward
Occupation: Landholder
Residence: Wilberforce
Remarks: Apprenticed to A. Bell at Richmond. May 2 1823
27. Name: John Ward
Age: 8
When admitted: Jany 1. 1819
Time of quitting the school: May 27 1823
Parents’ names: Mary Ward
Occupation: Landholder
Residence: Wilberforce
Remarks: Apprenticed to T Nowland returned to the Inst. Runaway to Sydney
28. Name: James Flood
Age: 9
When admitted: Jany 1 1819
Time of quitting the school: 2 May 1823
Parents’ names: Hugh Caffoy
Occupation: Waterman
Residence: King Street Sydney
Remarks: Appren to A. Bell Esq
29. Name: John Lane
Age: 9
When admitted: Jany 1. 1819
Time of quitting the school: Jany 20 1827
Parents’ names: Ann Lane
Occupation: Waterman
Residence: Richmond
Remarks: Discharged January 20 1827 to S Marsden
30. Name: James Scott
Age: 7
When admitted: Jany 1 1819
Time of quitting the school: Aug 22 1826
Parents’ names: W Pitt
Occupation: Waterman [?]
Residence: Windsor
Remarks: Discd Aug 22 Jones & Walker
31. Name: Edward Travers Mortimer
Age: 10
When admitted: Jany 1. 1819
Time of quitting the school: March 1822
Parents’ names: William Mortimer
Occupation: Farmer
Residence: Mortimer Farm Airds
Remarks: Taken home at his Friehd’s request
32. Name: William London
Age: 10
When admitted: Jany 1. 1819
Time of quitting the school: March 1822
Parents’ names: Maurice Hellich
Occupation: Farmer
Residence: Appin
Remarks: Runaway
33. Name: Michael Creagan
Age: 7 y.
When admitted: 1st Jan 1819
Time of quitting the school: Dec 20 1826
Parents’ names: Catharene Creagar
Occupation: Washerwoman
Residence: Bunbury Curran
Remarks: Discharged Decr 26 1826 Berry & Wolstonecraft
34. Name: Edward Creagan
Age: 5
When admitted: 1 Jan 1819
Time of quitting the school: Dec 26 1826
Parents’ names: Catharene Creagan
Occupation: Washerwoman
Residence: Bunbury Curran
Remarks: Discharged Dec 26 1826 Berry & Wolstonecraft
35. Name: Richard Podmore
Age: 9
When admitted: 1 Jany 1819
Time of quitting the school: July 1823
Parents’ names: Richard Podmore
Occupation: Settler
Residence: Botany Bay
Remarks: Apprenticed to S Lord Esq
36. Name: John Fry
Age: 8
When admitted: 1 Jany 1819
Time of quitting the school: Aug 22 1821
Parents’ names: Margaret Logan
Occupation: Sempstress
Residence: Botany Bay
Remarks: Dischd Aug 22d Jones & Walker
37. Name: Richard Fry
Age: 9
When admitted: 1 Jany 1819
Time of quitting the school: 2 May 1823
Parents’ names: Margaret Logan
Occupation: Simptstress
Residence: Botany Bay
Remarks: Apprenticed to Mr E.G. Hazard Pump and Block maker
38. Name: John Hatfield
Age: 9
When admitted: 1 Jan 1819
Time of quitting the school: Augt 1824
Parents’ names: Amelia Hatfield
Occupation: Washerwoman
Residence: Liverpool
Remarks: A Teacher Public School Sydney
39. Name: John Jones
Age: 11
When admitted: 1 Jan 1819
Time of quitting the school: 4th December 1822
Parents’ names: Mary Jones
Occupation: Sempstress
Residence: Macquarie St Parramatta
Remarks: Appd. to Mr E.G. Hazard, Pump and Block Maker
40. Name: Charles Jones
Age: 9
When admitted: 1 Jany 1819
Time of quitting the school: 19 July 1828
Parents’ names: Mary Jones
Occupation: Sempstress
Residence: Macquarie St Parramatta
Remarks: to Mr Booth parramatta
41. Name: John Holmes
Age: 6
When admitted: 12 April, 1819
Time of quitting the school: 26 Decr. 1820
Parents’ names: Mary Drews
Occupation: Sempstress
Residence: George Street, Sydney
Remarks: Berry & Wolstonecraft
42: Name: Thomas Warrington
Age: 10
When admitted: 12 April 1819
Time of quitting the school:
Parents’ names: David Nowland
Occupation: Farmer
Residence: Airds
Remarks: Permitted to leave
43. Name: William Anderson
Age: 10
When admitted: 12 Apl 1819
Time of quitting the school: 15th May 1822
Parents’ names: Mary Curran
Occupation: Washerwoman
Residence: Cumberland St Sydney
Remarks: Appd. to A. Uther Hatter Sydney
44. Name: Timothy Diggen
Age: 11
When admitted: 13 Apl 1819
Time of quitting the school: Sept 1819
Parents’ names: None
Remarks: taken to Gover House Sept 1819
45. Name: Edward Gregory
Age: 11
When admitted: 15 Sept 1819
Time of quitting the school: Aug 1825
Parents’ names: Father went to England by the Ship Surry 1819
Residence: England
Remarks: Apprenticed to the Institution as Shoemaker
46. Name: Charles Gregory
Age: 10
When admitted: 15 Sept. 1819
Time of quitting the school: Aug 1825
Parents’ names: Father went to England by the Ship Surry 1819
Residence: England
Remarks: Apprenticed to the Institution as Tailor
47. Name: George Gregory
Age: 6
When admitted: 15 Sept. 1819
Time of quitting the school: Nov 4 1826
Parents’ names: Father went to England by the Ship Surry 1819
Residence: England
Remarks: Discd Nov 4 to Bogg Sydney
48. Name: George Garland
Age: 7
When admitted: 24 Sept 1819
Time of quitting the school: Decr 26 1826
Parents’ names: Mary Stafford
Residence: Parramatta
Remarks: Discharged 26 Dec 1826 Berry & Wolstonecraft
49. Name: Thomas Broughton
Age: 9
When admitted: 15 April 1820
Time of quitting the school: March 10 1827
Parents’ names: Mary Stafford
Residence: Bunbury Curran
Remarks: Mr Wood Tailor Sydney
50. Name: Edward Edwards
Age: 7
When admitted: 14 Apl 1820
Time of quitting the school: Aug 18th 1830
Parents’ names: Mr Gurners [?]
Residence: Sydney
Remarks: To Mr Cape Sydney
51. Name: John Warrington
Age: 8
When admitted: 12 July 1820
Time of quitting the school: Dec 26 1826
Parents’ names: Cath Maloney [?]
Occupation: Washerwoman
Residence: Liverpool
Remarks: Berry & Wolstonecraft
52. Name: George Wall
Age: 9
When admitted: 27 July 1820
Time of quitting the school: Aug 1823
Parents’ names: Mary Wall
Occupation: Washerwoman
Residence: York Street Sydney
Remarks: Apprenticed to Mr Grose [?] Parramatta
53. Name: Robert Brierly
Age: 5
When admitted: Aug 1820
Time of quitting the school: April 24 1828
Parents’ names: Father Owen Brierly at the [indecipherable] River
Remarks: Disch Crombie McLarren & Co
54. Name: William King
Age: 5
When admitted: 11 Sept 1820
Time of quitting the school: Dec 11 1827
Parents’ names: Eliza King
Occupation: Washerwoman
Residence: On the Rocks Sydney
Remarks: Apprenticed to Mr Wiltshire of Sydney
55. Name: James Taylor
Age: 9
When admitted: 18 Sept 1820
Time of quitting the school: Oct 27 1826
Parents’ names: Ann Taylor
Occupation: Washerwoman
Residence: Pitt Street Sydney
Remarks: Disch Oct 27 1826 His Mother
56. Name: George Taylor
Age: 7
When admitted: 25 Sept 1820
Time of quitting the school: Oct 27 1826
Parents’ names: Ann Taylor
Occupation: Washerwoman
Residence: Pitt Street Sydney
Remarks: Disch Oct 27 1826 His Mother
57. Name: Edward Kelly
Age: 9
When admitted: Nov 1920
Time of quitting the school: 7 April 1829
Parents’ names: Catharine Kelly
Occupation: Washerwoman
Residence: Newcastle
Remarks: To Honbl Rt. [Robert] Campbell Limestone Plains
58. Name: Samuel Ogden
Age: 9
When admitted: 16 Nov 1820
Time of quitting the school: April 1827
Parents’ names: Thomas Ogden
Occupation: Settler
Residence: Northern Boundary
Remarks: Disch to Mr White
59. Name: Jeremiah Ogden
Age: 7
When admitted: 16 Nov 1820
Time of quitting the school: April 1827
Parents’ names: Thomas Ogden
Occupation: Settler
Residence: Northern Boundary
Remarks: Died of a Disty. June 10 1827 [?]
60. Name: David Ogden
Age: 7
When admitted: 16 Nov 1820
Time of quitting the school: June 18 182
Parents’ names: Thomas Ogden
Occupation: Settler
Residence: Northern Boundary
61. Name: George Freeman
Age: 10
When admitted: 1 Jan 1821
Time of quitting the school: July 1823
Parents’ names: James Freeman
Occupation: Cooper
Residence: Windsor
Remarks: Apprenticed to S. Lord Esq
62. Name: Thomas Freeman
Age: 9
When admitted: 1 Jan 1821
Time of quitting the school: July 1823
Parents’ names: James Freeman
Occupation: Cooper
Residence: Windsor
Remarks: Apprenticed to J. Walker Parramatta 1823
63. Name: Samuel Freeman
Age: 7
When admitted: 1 Jan 1821
Time of quitting the school: Dec 26 1826
Parents’ names: James Freeman
Occupation: Cooper
Residence: Windsor
Remarks: Disch Dec 26 1826 Messrs Berry & Wolstonecraft
64. Name: William Jacques
Age: 9
When admitted: 20 Feb 1820 [?]
Time of quitting the school: Oct 1826
Parents’ names: Mary Wilson
Remarks: Disch [indecipherable] Apprenticed to Mr White Parramatta
>Find catalogue record for Male Orphan School - Roll book, 1 Jan 1819 – 18 Sept 1848
>Find catalogue record for Male Orphan School – Letterbook, 1829-1849