Launceston Cricket Club
On 14 December 1832, the Launceston Independent reported that a match would be played on 22 December between 22 commoners for a stake of 50 guineas. On 11 May 1833, another match was played at Launceston. The Independent commented: 'We congratulate our fellow townsmen on the formation of a club, composed as it is of the most respectable inhabitants of the country and founded upon the regulations of the first cricket clubs in England.'
The document below comes from a meeting of the Launceston Cricket Club in 1841. It offers intriguing hints that perhaps the game was not entirely amateur, in particular 'Rule 9' which limits the 'Stakes' on any one match to no more than '1 guinea a bat'.
Transcript: Meeting of the Launceston Cricket Club
At a Meeting of the Launceston Cricket Club Sept. 11th 1841 The following rules were unanimously agreed to -
- That the Club shall consist of a president - Treasurer - Secretary, and an unlimited number of Members - the officers to be chosen at the commencement of each Season. Members shall be continued on renewing their subscriptions.
- Candidates must be proposed by a member on any meeting of the club and voted for on the next - a majority to decide
- That each member shall pay to the Secretary or Treasurer on or before the 1st October in each year 10 shillings - & all new members on their election shall also pay 10s as their subscription for the season - nevertheless should the funds at any time be found insufficient, each member shall subscribe to meet the demand.
- Gentlemen may be admitted, as being honorary Members upon payment of 10s Subscription - they will be exempted from all fines & will have no voice in the affairs of the Club..5. Members residing more than 5 miles from Launceston - will be exempted from all fines and will have no voice in the affairs of the Club for non attendance on practice day´s
- The Club shall meet for practise every Wednesday at 4 P.M. - and Saturday at 3P.M. & any member absent at both Meetings, when the wickets are pitched shall be fined one shilling
- That on the last Saturday in each month the wickets shall be pitched at one o´clock, and any member not on the Ground by 2 P.M. shall be fined 2s./6d.
- That any member chosen to play in a match, & having accepted that choice and not attending the place of rendezvouz on the day of the Match before 10 A.M. shall be fined 5/- and if not before 12 o´clock ten shillings
- That any two members on application to the Secretary, may have the Bats etc. on other than practise days on condition they return them safe the same day, or forfeit one shilling each, and six pence each per diem until returned and if not returned by the next practise day, shall pay to the Treasurer or Secretary the cash price of the same, in addition to the fines
- That all Stakes shall be paid out of or received into the funds of the Club and no match shall be made for more than 1 guinea a bat
- That the expenses of Umpires or Scorers if any also the expenses of lunch etc. on Match days be paid out of the funds of the Club
- The President shall be Chairman at all Meetings of the Club, & shall have the entire arrangements of the field and game in all Matches
- The Treasurer shall receive from the Secretary all fines subscriptions and stakes and pay thro´ the Secretary for all expenses incurred by the Club
- The Secretary shall keep an a/c of all monies received and paid also a list of members with the names of the proposers, and date of the election also on Practise day´s the names of the members present - and state of the play - the same in all Matches
- That the rules of this club be written in the book kept by the Secretary - and that any member may peruse it on application to the Secretary
- The Secretary shall also provide and have charge of the bats, ball, stumps, and any other property of the Club
- That when a match is contemplated a committee of not less than three shall be chosen to make arrangements, and choose the players
- That the President or any five Members may call a meeting of the Club on any practise day - and any rules or bye laws then passed shall be binding of the whole of the members - 1841
President - J. Henty Esqr.
Treasurer - C. S. Henty
Secretary - J. Fowles