Air race pilots' guidelines
Each of the entrants in the MacRobertson Centenary Air Race was issued with a set of printed instructions. The copy below was carried on the flight to Australia (and back to England) by entrants O. Cathcart Jones and K.F. Waller. Jones and Waller were British entrants who placed fourth. Their flight from England to Australia took just under 5 days. The winning flight took just under 3 days. The pilots' brochure contained information on the rules and regulations of the race, as well as useful details about airfields along the route, including maps, facilities and hazards.
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MacRobertson International Air Races, October 1934. Pilots brochure. London : Royal Aero Club, 1934. Loose sheets in ring bound folder 93/889
Included in the folder of pilot's intructions is a map of the route. This one has been annotated with the routes taken (presumably by Jones and Waller) to and from Melbourne.
Map from MacRobertson International Air Races, October 1934. Pilots brochure. London : Royal Aero Club, 1934. Loose sheets in ring bound folder 93/889