Allen Family photographic albums
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Front cover - Album 33, 11th September 1904 - 18th January 1905photo tiles
Page 1 - Album 33, 11th September 1904 - 18th January 1905Sunday 11th September 1904.
Ethel and I had a driving picnic at Moombara today. We all met at Redfern Railway Station at 10.30 am, travelled by train to Kogarah where we found the club coach and other vehicles waiting for us813 (enlarged) at Kogarah Station (11am).
Jas Alison drove the drag & on the way to Port Hacking Mr Forbes-Sempill sat on the box. Behind them can be seen Captn Hyde-Parker Miss Walker, Pearl & Captain Wilson while on the back seats were Forbes-Sempill, Mildred Blomfield, Miss Andrews, Charles Campbell, also Captn. Tudor, Ethel & C.R. Burnside. Walter drove Miss Madge Sutter in his sulky. I had Mrs Alison, Clara Manning & Major Marchant in my cart and Manson had Miss Elsie Anderson , Milly and Harry Darley in his motor. Mr & Mrs Geoffrey Fairfax drove direct from town to Moombara in their carphoto tiles
Page 2 - Album 33, 11th September 1904 - 18th January 1905Sunday 11th September 1904
813 The start from Kogarah Station.
814 Manson's motor H Darley, Milly, Miss Anderson
815 a better view of those in the drag & in my cart
816 Something went wrong with Manson's motor about 1 1/2 mils from Kogarah which delayed him about 2 hours. We took Milly and Miss Anderson with us in the cart & drag
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Page 3 - Album 33, 11th September 1904 - 18th January 1905Sunday 11th September
817 Walter & Miss Madge Sutter waiting for the punt
818 Miss Sutter on the punt
819 Mrs Alison & Miss Anderson in front Clara Manning & Major Marchant We arrived at Moombara stables at 12.15pm
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Page 4 - Album 33, 11th September 1904 - 18th January 1905Sunday 11th September 1904 "Moombara"
820 Forbes-Sempill, Clara, Mrs Alison, Ethel, Capt Tudor
Some of the party walking down to the Lodge from the stablesReprint of No.630 "Moombara"
821 Pearl, Capt Wilson, Mr Forbes-Sempill, sliding down the bank on tea-trays
Reprint of No 696 View from the balcony showing the South West Arm & Mr Want's house
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Page 5 - Album 33, 11th September 1904 - 18th January 1905Sunday 11th September
After lunch some of us went out on the river in the launches Sphinx & Faa-mer
822 Milly, Capt Hyde Parker, Mrs Forbes-Sempill & Wilson, C.R.Burnside, Forbes-Sempill., Walter.
The launch Faa-mer
Taken from the 'Sphinx'823 C. Campbell, Miss Anderson, Mr Forbes-Sempill, Ethel, S Wilson, Walter on the wharf before going on the river
824 (enlarged) The return journey from the wharf to the house for afternoon tea
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Page 6 - Album 33, 11th September 1904 - 18th January 1905Sunday 11th September 1904
We all left Moombara at 4.30pm and caught the Sydney train at Kogarah arriving at Redfern Station at 6.15
825 Mrs Alison, Miss Anderson & Captn Tudor on the way to the drag
826 Mrs Forbes-Sempill, Mr E P Simpson, Clara, Milly, Forbes-Semphill
827 The Punt at Sylvania (George's River)
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Page 7 - Album 33, 11th September 1904 - 18th January 1905Sunday 11th September
These show the coach at Sylvania waiting for the punt.
828 (enlarged) Miss Walker is on the box seat Captn Tudor and Pearl just behind, Ethel & Forbes-Sempill on the back seat of all. L Wilson is on the front
829 (enlarged)
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Page 8 - Album 33, 11th September 1904 - 18th January 1905Saturday 17th September 1904
830 Pearl. Pearl & Marcia went to the races with us today. I photographed them at 'Harll' when they got back
831 Marcia
Sunday 18th September "Moombara"
832 Miss Young George
834 George & Miss Young. Mr Lamb and I drove to Moombara today Joyce and Wyn Laidley also. On the train we met George & Miss Young and they spent the afternoon with us
833 Mr Walter Lamb
835 Joyce & Wyn in the boat after lunch with Chivers. George & Miss Young in the dinghy
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Page 9 - Album 33, 11th September 1904 - 18th January 1905"Moombara" Saturday 24th September 1904
Ethel and I and the children came down this afternoon for the Michaelmas holidays bringing Janet & Bob Rabett also. Immediately on arrival Joyce, Denis & Bob began to skate on the verandah and they used Janet and Margaret as horses to pull them along. Margaret also had some splendid rides on the tricycle
836 Bob Rabett, Margaret, Joyce
837 Janet, Joyce
838 Margaret, Denis, Bob Rabett
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Page 10 - Album 33, 11th September 1904 - 18th January 1905Sunday 25th September 1904 "Moombara"
839 Bob Rabett, Joyce 11 years, Denis 10, Margaret 8, Janet 7
840 Margaret, Joyce, Janet, Denis, Bob. The children's first swim this summer. A lovely warm morning fairly high tide. They certainly did enjoy it!
841 / 842 These give a very good idea of the bathing place. This was taken at 3/4 tide
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Page 11 - Album 33, 11th September 1904 - 18th January 1905Sunday 25th September 1904
After he swim I took Joyce Denis and Bob to the shell beach opposite Moombara and we walked round to Simpson's Hotel now kept by Mr Melhuish. Chivers following us in the dinghy. We had a hard pull home against the wind & tide
843 The beach in front of Simpson's Hotel Bob Denis & Joyce in the boat Chivers on the sand 844 The wisteria at the back of the hotel. Joyce at the gate
845 a closer view of the hotel
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Page 12 - Album 33, 11th September 1904 - 18th January 1905Saturday 1st October 1904 "Moombara"
846 Mrs Pilcher, Mrs Etheridge waiting for the punt at Tom Ugly's Point
Colonel & Mrs Etheridge & Mr Bertie Pilcher drove to "Moombara" with us today
847 Denis, Joyce, Col. Etheridge.
We went out in the launch Sphynx after lunch and brought the children home from Simpson's Hotel848 Mrs Etheridge Ethel Mrs Pilcher Col Etheridge
On our way to the stables after afternoon tea (5pm)Sunday morning 2nd October
(Bottom right in right margin) negative at FMI /1529)
849 Janet, Dundas Margaret, Denis, Hastings.
A very cold windy morning. (11.30am)photo tiles
Page 13 - Album 33, 11th September 1904 - 18th January 1905"Moombara"
Sunday 9th October 1904A very hot day. Walter, Wilfred Nathan and I drove down for the day. Denis and Geoffrey coming too. The boys enjoyed their bathe though the tide was low
850 (enlarged) Geoffrey
851 (enlarged)
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Page 14 - Album 33, 11th September 1904 - 18th January 1905"Moombara"
Sunday 16th October 1904Hastings, Cecil Healey, Denis & Dundas down with me this week We spent Saturday night at "Moombara"
852 Cecil Healey diving
853 Denis, Cecil Healey
854 Cecil Healey
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Page 15 - Album 33, 11th September 1904 - 18th January 1905Sunday 16th October 1904 Port Hacking
855 Denis 856 Simpson's launch
857 Denis
858 Cecil Healey in the dinghy
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Page 16 - Album 33, 11th September 1904 - 18th January 1905Thursday afternoon 29th October 1904
Boyce and I drove to Manly today to see a poultry farm which I had arranged to lease for Percy MacAfee.
859 Taken from the hill above the Spit Ferry
860 The Homestead at Mr Read's farm
861 Boyce, Barnet
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Page 17 - Album 33, 11th September 1904 - 18th January 1905Thursday 20th October (cont'd)
864 Some of the stock at feeding time
863 A.P. MacAfee
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Page 18 - Album 33, 11th September 1904 - 18th January 1905"Moombara" Sunday 23rd October 1904
Mr & Mrs Rothe, Eme, Fritz & Joyce came down with us yesterday. We had great fun with the children in the bathing place this morning
864 Fritz in deep water holding onto the lifebuoy
865 Eme using the water wings
866 (enlarged) Joyce pointing out to Fritz the way to swim
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Page 19 - Album 33, 11th September 1904 - 18th January 1905Sunday 23rd October (continued)
867 (enlarged) Fritz was slow in wetting himself so Joyce did it for him
868 Rothe, Mrs Rothe We spent the rest of the morning in the launch 'Sphinx'
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Page 20 - Album 33, 11th September 1904 - 18th January 1905Wednesday 26th October 1904
Taken on day of Miss Alice Cape's wedding 869 (enlarged) The Misses Stephen, Joyce, Herbert, Marcia, Ethel, Miss Walker, A.W.A., Milly, Margaret 3.5 pm (sic) In Albert Street near the Church
870 (enlarged) arrival of the bridesmaids
871 (enlarged) arrival of the bride in mother's brougham 3.30pm Mr A.J. Cape in the act of getting out
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Page 21 - Album 33, 11th September 1904 - 18th January 1905Wednesday 26th October (cont'd)
Wedding day of Miss Alice Cape & W.A. Lang
872 (enlarged) Scene at the Church after the bride had entered 3.34pm
873 (enlarged) After the marriage. Mrs Lang leaving the Church for Hazelmere. 5pm
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Page 22 - Album 33, 11th September 1904 - 18th January 1905Wednesday 26th October 1904
874 (enlarged)
875 (enlarged) Maud Want, D. Sellars, Ken Want, Mrs Lang, W.A. Lang, Elizabeth Cape, Mrs Cape, Miss Cape
876 (enlarged) Taken on the lawn at "Hazelmere"
877 (enlarged) Mrs Lang
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Page 23 - Album 33, 11th September 1904 - 18th January 1905Moombara Sunday 6th November 1904
Mrs Blomfield, Mildred, Doris Blomfield, Harry Darley, Denis and Dundas came down with me yesterday
878. These photographs show the latest improvements at Moombara.The roofs over the balconettes and the glass on the verandah having just been finished.
880. H Darley
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Page 24 - Album 33, 11th September 1904 - 18th January 1905"Moombara" Sunday 6th November 1904
881 This was taken to show the coral trees which I had carted from Kogarah & Sylvania
882 Saturday even' 5.30pm Mildred, Doris, Mrs Blomfield, H Darley, Denis & Dundas having a swim
883 Sunday afternoon 6.45pm Doris, Mildred, Mrs Blomfield, H Darley. Denis & Jacob with "Taffy" Arrival at Kogarah on the journey home
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Page 25 - Album 33, 11th September 1904 - 18th January 1905"Moombara" Sunday 13th November 1904
Joyce, Denis, Margaret & Eme Rothe went down on Friday with Florence. Hastings & Cecil Healey followed on Saturday evening and Ethel & I on Sunday morning. We all returned on Monday
884 Joyce, Margaret, Eme 11 am
885 Florence drying Margaret's clothes after she had fallen into the fresh water
886 Ethel arranging tea at the top of South West Arm 5 pm
887 Hastings, Ethel, Cecil Healey. The top of the South West Arm
888 Freshwater waterfall about 1/4 mile from top of South West Arm
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Page 26 - Album 33, 11th September 1904 - 18th January 1905Tuesday 15th December [sic] 1904
Taken at the Sale of Duckenfield Cattle at Berry Park
(E W Sparke & R Hill Auctioneers)889
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Page 27 - Album 33, 11th September 1904 - 18th January 1905Tuesday 15th December (cont')
893 The milking shed at Berry Park
894 Some of the cattle after sale
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Page 28 - Album 33, 11th September 1904 - 18th January 1905"Moombara" Saturday 19th November
Ethel and I came down this afternoon bringing with us Mr & Mrs David Anderson, Norah Anderson, Nita Walker, Charles Kilgour and Denis
896 Denis first had a bathe and then although it was high tide he and Nita went oyster gathering
897 Norah, Nita, Mrs Anderson, Ethel, D.Anderson
Taken while Denis was in the water898 Norah & Nita on the skids near the bathing place
899 David Anderson
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Page 29 - Album 33, 11th September 1904 - 18th January 1905Sunday 20th November 1904
Some of us had a lovely bathe before breakfast and at 10.30 we went out on the river in the "Sphinx" stopping at Warumbul for tea at 11.30. We all returned at 4.30pm
900 Ethel, D. Anderson, Mrs Anderson on the verandah after breakfast
901 The launch "Sphinx" leaving Warumbul jetty 12.30pm
902 Nita & Norah looking at my photo book in the sitting room
903 Denis handing Mrs Anderson a stone plate of oysters 1 pm
904 D. Anderson, C Kilgour, Nita, Norah.
Nita finds oysters easier to obtain when the tide is lowphoto tiles
Page 30 - Album 33, 11th September 1904 - 18th January 1905Saturday 26th November 1904
Denis developed scarlet fever last Wednesday and in consequence he is isolated with a nurse and the other children are unable to go about as usual. I drove Joyce today first to Ruperra [Boyce Allen's house, Darling Point] to see Primrose & Marian at a distance and then to Bronte Beach where Boyce and Isa drove with their family. On the way we met Maud Want and Miss Madge Suttor and I photographed them
905 Maud in the cart with Miss Madge
907 Plumb driving the waggonette with Mother's horses and the Ruperra family. Janet, Bruce and Dundas in front
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Page 31 - Album 33, 11th September 1904 - 18th January 1905Saturday 26th November (cont')
908 Bronte Beach showing position of bathing place Boyce, Ida, Isa.
909 The bathing place taken from outside the fence
910 Maria & Joyce playing with a stray dog
911 Maria, Janet, Joyce
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Page 32 - Album 33, 11th September 1904 - 18th January 1905Sunday November 27th 1904
Marcia, Joyce and I left Harll at 6.15am and drove all the way to Moombara arriving there about 8.40 am. We stayed there all day getting home again at 6.30 pm. It was a lovely day quite cool
912 This shows the further improvement to the bathing place
913 Joyce
914 Marcia & Joyce just as we were leaving 4.30 pm
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Page 33 - Album 33, 11th September 1904 - 18th January 1905"Moombara" Sunday 27th November 1904
Quite the best pictures I have taken of the house since it was finished
Monday 28th November
Joyce Margaret and Florence went today to stay at Moombara so as to avoid the possible chance of infection if they stayed at Harll
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Page 34 - Album 33, 11th September 1904 - 18th January 1905"Moombara" Sunday 27th November 1904
915 A (enlarged)
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Page 35 - Album 33, 11th September 1904 - 18th January 1905"Harll" Thursday 1st December 1904
Marcia and Milly came to see us after coming from a garden party at Admiralty House
918 Marcia
919 Marcia Milly
920 Milly
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Page 36 - Album 33, 11th September 1904 - 18th January 1905"Moombara" Wednesday 7th December 1904
We heard this morning that our caretaker's ("Mr Chivers") little daughter at "Moombara" had developed measles. I drove down today leaving at 12.10pm and arranged for them to come to "Banksia" tomorrow. Charley Bartholomew and A.S. Heywood also came and we fixed upon the best place for a boat place for my new boat
921 Joyce, J.Chivers, Jacob, C Bartholomew, Margaret, A S Haywood 5.45pm on the wharf. Jacob having just caought a large conger eel.
922 Jacob
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Page 37 - Album 33, 11th September 1904 - 18th January 1905"Harll"
Monday 12th December 1904Denis is in great spirits this morning as Dr Jamieson allowed him out on to the balcony
923 Joyce & Denis [sic] came to see him after breakfast
Sunday 18th DecemberA hot muggy morning Hastings and I drove to Moombara arriving there about 12.15
At 4 o'clock a violent storm came up with much rain and hail We had a very wet drive at 5 o'clock to Kogarah924 This shows some of the hailstones on the grass. The river was quite obscured by the rain
925 More hailstones just after the rain
926 taken during the rain to show the water rushing down the stone steps tearing up a flower bed and the grass on its way
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Page 38 - Album 33, 11th September 1904 - 18th January 1905Thursday 22nd December 1904
Denis was allowed down on the croquet lawn today for the first time since his illness
So as not to bring any infection inside the house Jacob put up the ladder to the balcony and to his great delight helped Denis down927 The descent beginning
928 Down at last
929 Denis half way down
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Page 39 - Album 33, 11th September 1904 - 18th January 1905Saturday 24th December 1904
930 Denis having his lunch out in the garden
931 Nurse Denis
932 Walter rode in with Geoffrey this afternoon
Geoffrey is on his new ponyphoto tiles
Page 40 - Album 33, 11th September 1904 - 18th January 1905Saturday 24th December 1904
I spent some time this afternoon in photographing all the work which Joyce and Margaret have done as presents for Xmas. They certainly deserve great credit as they both worked very hard.
934 (enlarged)
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Page 41 - Album 33, 11th September 1904 - 18th January 1905Xmas morning 1904
I was up at 5am and drove to Banksia at 6 to see Joyce and Margaret open their stockings. They had a glorious time and at 7 I took some photos on the verandah showing some of their things.
935 Margaret
936 Joyce
I had difficulty in finding a quiet corner out of the wind
937 at 730 we drove to Harll to see Denis and Ethel. The chilldren were really dressed but we left the nightgowns on to amuse Denis
938 at 10.30 Margaret and Joyce went to church. Joyce to St James with me and Margaret to All Saints with Florence
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Page 42 - Album 33, 11th September 1904 - 18th January 1905Xmas 1904
Denis also had a very happy Xmas tho' he misses the children very much.
Ethel stayed with him all the morning and nurse Denis helped him play with all his toys939 Denis just after breakfast with a few of his toys
940 Denis & Nurse having their Xmas dinner on the croquet lawn
941 Denis loves his new submarine
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Page 43 - Album 33, 11th September 1904 - 18th January 1905Xmas 1904
Denis and I had great fun after driving with his railway train and lines
942 We made stations & tunnels & grand curves. When Dundas came I went to Banksia
943 Nurse helping Denis to put his lines right
944 The shady corner of the lawn now used by Denis as a day nursery.
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Page 44 - Album 33, 11th September 1904 - 18th January 1905Xmas day 1904
The afternoon at Banksia
945 Joyce waiting for the Rupens children to arrive
946 Joyce, Oswald, Margaret
947 Joyce, Oswald, Margaret, Geoffrey
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Page 45 - Album 33, 11th September 1904 - 18th January 1905Xmas 1904
948 Geoffrey Primrose, Oswald, Joyce, Marian
949 Geoffrey, Primrose, Oswald, Joyce, Marian, Margaret & Janet
950 Primrose, Marian, Joyce, Janet & Margaret
6.45pm Time to go home Joyce & Margaret going as far as Harll to say goodnight to Ethel & Denis
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Page 46 - Album 33, 11th September 1904 - 18th January 1905"Moombara" Tuesday 27th December 1904
Hastings & Cecil Healey spent their Xmas at Port Hacking. Dundas and I drove down on Monday and brought them home today.
951 Cecil Healey about to dive
952 Hastings
953 Cecil Healey swimming very fast
954 Dundas & Hastings looking on
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Page 47 - Album 33, 11th September 1904 - 18th January 1905Thursday 29th December
I went over late this afternoon to McMahon's point and took these photographs of my new motor sailing boat the Albatross - which is nearly finished
955 Holmes' shed & The Albatross taken from the ferry steamer 5.35 pm
(note 15 Jan/05 Name of Boat changed to "Carrara")956 the "Albatross" on the skids showing the staunchions to hold the awning when using her as a launch
957 The builder "W. Holmes"
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Page 48 - Album 33, 11th September 1904 - 18th January 1905Carrara Rose Bay
Taken just before Boyce and Isa left April 1904
(left) Two photographs of the entrance hall
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Page 49 - Album 33, 11th September 1904 - 18th January 1905(right) The study at Carraraphoto tiles
Page 50 - Album 33, 11th September 1904 - 18th January 1905"Harll" 4 January 1905
(top) Dick aged 3 years
Taken by Herbert at Burradoo958 Joyce & Margaret with their new dolls
purchased out of uncle Fred Dangar's present959 Mrs Madge Sutton at "Moombara"
She stayed there with Walter & Pearl from Friday 30th December to Tuesday 3rd Jan /05photo tiles
Page 51 - Album 33, 11th September 1904 - 18th January 1905"Moombara" Sunday 8th January 1905
960 The children fishing from the wharf
Florence and Joyce & Margaret also Primrose Marian & Janet went down to Moombara on Thursday 5th January /05. Charles Kilgour and Willie Stawell went there with us on Saturday We then returned on Sunday
962 (enlarged) Harry MacKellar's boat with Mr & Mrs Levic on board passing Moombara
963 Joyce C Kilgour & Marian having a swim
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Page 52 - Album 33, 11th September 1904 - 18th January 1905Port Hacking Sunday 8th January 1905
964 The "Sphinx"
965 W Stawell, C.Kilgour, Joyce & Marian, Primrose
on the fresh water at "Audley"966 (enlarged) Primrose, Marian, Joyce, Mary, W Stawell, C Kilgour
After lunch we came up to Audley in the "Sphinx' travelling by train from National Park to Sydney. Chivers driving the children homephoto tiles
Page 53 - Album 33, 11th September 1904 - 18th January 1905Sunday 8th January 1905
Two views of the freshwater river at Audley taken from the accommodation house.
967 (enlarged)
968 (enlarged) All the children & C.Kilgour, W. Stawell are in the boat
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Page 54 - Album 33, 11th September 1904 - 18th January 1905Audley National Park
Sunday 8 Jan /05969 C Kilgour & Andy at the fountain erected in memory of Mr Critchett-Walker
"Harll" 3rd January 1905
970 These show some splendid staghorn ferns which I bought a few days ago for "Harll"
971 They were mounted on their stands prior to being placed in position
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Page 55 - Album 33, 11th September 1904 - 18th January 1905Friday 13th January 1905
972 (enlarged) The new motor boat is now practically completed. We have changed her name from "Albatross" to "Carrara". Ethel had her first run in her this morn'g at 10am Mr Heywood being in charge with Jacob at the engine. Marcia, Milly & Denis also there. This was taken as the boat came up to Rasmussen's shed at Rushcutters Bay.
973 This shows some of the stag horn ferns placed in their proper positions by Mr James.
974 A H K Maxwell and Judge Gibson on Arthur McCarthy's lawn
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Page 56 - Album 33, 11th September 1904 - 18th January 1905Saturday 14th January 1905
Arthur & Mary McCarthy's home in Onslow Avenue Elizabeth Bay
975 (enlarged) A.W. McCarthy
976 (enlarged)
977 (enlarged)
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Page 57 - Album 33, 11th September 1904 - 18th January 1905Moombara Sunday afternoon 15th January 1905
978 Margaret
979 Joyce
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Page 58 - Album 33, 11th September 1904 - 18th January 1905Moombara Sunday afternoon 15th January 1905
There is nothing about "Moombara" which the children love so much as the bathing
980 Margaret
981 Joyce
982 Joyce
983 Margaret & Joyce
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Page 59 - Album 33, 11th September 1904 - 18th January 1905Moombara Sunday 15th January
981 (enlarged)
982 (enlarged)
Two very nice pictures of Joyce
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Page 60 - Album 33, 11th September 1904 - 18th January 1905Wednesday 18th January 1905
Jacob brought the "Carrara" to Man of War steps this afternoon at 5 o'clock and I took E W Heywood & Geoffrey Fairfax to Double Bay in her. Everything went very well.
984 Jacob & E W Heywood
985 Taken xxx the seating accomodation aft
986 E W Heywood the designer of the "Carrara"
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Back cover - Album 33, 11th September 1904 - 18th January 1905