Temple of Flora
Robert Thornton (c. 1768-1837) was a wealthy man who decided to invest his fortune in a lavish botanical production illustrating Linnaeus’ sexual system of classification. The third part of this production appeared between 1799 and 1807 and was called Temple of Flora. Almost all known copies differ slightly in the way they are made up, making each unique. In general, they consist of 28 spectacular coloured botanical plates interspersed with verse, allegorical tales and folklore. Without an influential patron, Thornton lost his fortune on the production, blaming the public’s lack of enthusiasm (and ready cash) on the Napoleonic wars. Today, Thornton’s Temple of Flora is considered one of the greatest floral books ever published, thanks to the quality of the artists who produced paintings for the plates. These included Peter Henderson and Philip Reinagle. Thornton himself painted the roses shown below.
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> View the complete text and images of Temple of Flora on the Library's catalogue