Government proclamations | State Library of New South Wales

Government proclamations

These four government proclamations date from 1808 and 1810. The first was issued by George Johnston, on January 27, 1808, the day after Governor Bligh was deposed. In it, Johnston proclaims the end of martial law and praises the ‘manly, firm, and orderly Conduct’ of the inhabitants.
The next three proclamations were all issued by Governor Lachlan Macquarie, who took up his position in January 1810. The first (dated January 1, 1810) informs the Colony of ‘His Majesty’s high displeasure’ at the ‘outrageous conduct’ of his colonial subjects. It also resinstates Bligh as Governor for 24 hours, after which Macquarie is to assume control.
The next proclamation, on January 4, 1810, revokes all appointments, grants, leases etc made in the two years since the rebellion until the arrival of Macquarie.
A week later, on January 11, 1810, Macquarie’s next proclamation annouces that all those who were appointed to an office of law (magistrate, gaoler etc) after Bligh's deposition will be immune from prosecution for any act they performed while holding those positions. He calls for ‘Union, Tranquility, and Harmony’.

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