Rose Hill | State Library of New South Wales

Rose Hill

Europeans' letters and journals record how productive the early settlement was. Why was Rose Hill's development so vital to the young colony?

Map of Sydney Cove

Click on the map above to find out about life at Sydney Cove


Map of river to Rose Hill

Click on the image to read and hear letters and journals describing the conditions at Rose Hill


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Click on the book to read extracts from the letters and journals used in this activity 

View at Rose Hill, c. 1791 

After reading the sources on Sydney Cove and Rose Hill, click on the painting to attempt an activity where you play the role of Arthur Phillip. You will need to refer to the map.

Explore More

  • What difficulties were experienced in the Europeans' first months at Sydney Cove? 
  • What advantages did a settlement at Rose Hill offer? 
  • Examine and produce different texts describing early conditions in the colony
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