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Images of French people in Australia

Search the Library's pictures catalogue for images of French people in Australia


Manuscripts of French in Australia

Search the Library's manuscript catalogue for papers relating to the French in Australia


Bound for Glory: Exquisite books of French Pacific Voyages

The French made a number of significant scientific voyages into the Pacific in the early 19th century. Almost alone among nations, they published lavishly illustrated, multi-volumed accounts of these voyages which brought this new, exotic world to Europe. The State Library exhibition (2006) focusses on four voyages: Nicolas Baudin (1800–1804); Louis de Freycinet (1817–1820); Louis Duperrey (1822–1825) and Jules Dumont D’Urville (1826–1829).


Vive la difference! The French in NSW

This State Library exhibition (2004) highlighted the activities of those French-born explorers, pioneers, tourists and entrepreneurs who stayed in New South Wales, and the on-going contribution of French migrants to our modern multicultural society.


The Library Shop

The Library Shop has a selection of fine art reproductions of photographs, maps, oil paintings, watercolours, drawings and panoramas from the Library's collections available for purchase.

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French in Australia
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