Panoramic views of Port Jackson, c. 1821
R. Havell & Son, engravers: after Major James Taylor
Hand-coloured aquatints
Presented by the Erskine family
Plate 1. The entrance of Port Jackson, and part of the town of Sydney, New South Wales
Plate 2. The town of Sydney in New South Wales
Plate 3. Part of the Harbour of Port Jackson, and the country between Sydney and the Blue Mountains, New South Wales
Taken from Observatory Hill, this panorama shows Sydney shortly before Macquarie’s departure. It includes a number of his public works. The east view (Plate 1) shows Fort Macquarie, the Government Stables, Macquarie Place and Government House. In the south view (Plate 2) the Military Hospital dominates the foreground, while the Rum Hospital, Hyde Park Barracks and St James’ Church (without its steeple) crown the skyline. The west view (Plate 3) looks across Darling Harbour.