Our voyage to Australia | State Library of New South Wales

Our voyage to Australia by W. S. M.

'... to those who have never made the watery element their home for a lengthened period the following diary may be entertaining and will give them some faint idea of an every day sea life' - W. S. M., Our Voyage to Australia, DLMS 168

'Our voyage to Australia: a brief sketch' by W. S. M. describes a passage on the screw steamship Harbinger, under Captain John Lane, bound for Melbourne from Southampton. The author is most likely William Strother Medlicott, who arrived in Melbourne on the Harbinger in 1853.

The writer enjoyed the benefit of having a berth in a family cabin with stewards in attendance. His diary records life as a cabin passenger, with days spent with time to write, pursue entertainments, and speak with fellow passengers.  



> Read the journal of W. S. M. via the Library's online catalogue