The commandant and the convict: drawings by James Wallis and Joseph Lycett
187176Wallis Album
photo tiles
FRONT COVER A pair of kangaroos; pair of black swans; and platypus, 1820-1821photo tiles
[Top] View of twin waterfalls and wooded landscape] 25th July 1818, and [bottom] West Prospect from View Hill, Interior N. Holland, August 27th 1818photo tiles
[Top] East View of Arbuthnots Range, Interior N. Holland, July 16th 1818 and [bottom] South West Prospect from View Hill, interior New South Wales, August 28th 1818photo tiles
[1a.] Cascade interior N. Holland, July 17th 1818. [1b.] Port Macquarie N. Holland, October 11th 1818photo tiles
[2a.] View of Newcastle. New South Wales, engrav'd by W. Preston from a Drawing by Captn. Wallis, 46th Regt. [2b.] Wallis Lake near Cape Hawke, N. Holland, October 27th 1818photo tiles
Various botanical drawings, n.d.From Album of original drawings by James Wallis and Joseph Lycett, PXE 1072[3a.] Patersonia Species by Joseph Lycett. Watercolour. [3b.] Stiledia Gracilus N. South Wales by Joseph Lycett. Watercolour and collage. [3c.] Baurea [sic] Species by Joseph Lycett. Watercolour. [3d.] [Untitled botanical drawing] by Joseph Lycett. Watercolour.Digital order no: a5491006
photo tiles
Various drawings, tiles
Eight mostly untitled watercolour drawings, tiles
[Untitled drawing possibly of a Magpie Goose], tiles
Portraits flanked by two botanical drawings, n.d.Watercolour and collage, From Album of original drawings by James Wallis and Joseph Lycett, PXE 10722 Natives of New South Wales. Dick killed Burigon one day with one [underlined] blow. Titled below drawings and inscription in ink in Wallis' hand. Portrait drawings of the Awabakal brothers. At top is pencil portrait titled 'Burigon or Jack' showing right profile. At bottom is watercolour portrait titled 'Dick', showing head and upper torso. Portraits flanked by two botanical drawings titled `Tetrabatica’ and `Zeianthimum’.Digital order no: a5491010
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[Giant Swamp Lily], tiles
The Fish of New South Wales, tiles
Blandfordia Nobilis, tiles
Title page from An historical account of the colony of New South Wales, 1821by James Wallis, Printed book with manuscript inscription, From Album of original drawings by James Wallis and Joseph Lycett, PXE 1072Title page inscribed in ink `Mary Ann Wallis / The Gift of her dear Husband / Major James Wallis / late of H.M. 46th Regt. / Prestbury / May 1857’ (at top right); and ‘This Book presented to her / Nephew Lt Colonel A. Tayler / by his Aunt Mary Ann Wallis / 10th Febry 1866’ (at top left). (Alexander Tayler was the son of Wallis’ sister, Ann (b. ca. 1796) and her husband Alexander Tayler).Digital order no: a5491015
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Dedication page from An historical account of the colony of New South Wales, 1821by James Wallis, Pen and ink drawings, From Album of original drawings by James Wallis and Joseph Lycett, PXE 1072`To The Public’, includes two pen and ink drawings, titled `View of Part of Newcastle, N. S. Wales’ (top); and `View on Throsby’s Creek, near Newcastle, N. S. Wales.’ (bottom).Digital order no: a5491017
photo tiles
A View of the Cove and Part of Sydney, New South Wales, ca. 1818photo tiles
Vaucluse Bay, Port Jackson, New South Wales, ca. 1818photo tiles
View of Sydney, looking towards old Barrack Square, ca. 1818photo tiles
View of Awabakal Aboriginal people, ca. 1818photo tiles
North and South Heads in Port Jackson, New South Wales, ca. 1818photo tiles
View of Awabakal Aboriginal people, ca. 1818photo tiles
Sydney from Darlinghurst, ca. 1818photo tiles
View of Awabakal Aboriginal people, with beach and river inlet, and distant Aboriginal group in background , ca. 1818photo tiles
View of Dawe's Battery at the Entrance of Sydney Cove, New South Wales, ca. 1818photo tiles
View of a river landscape with five cut out pasted down drawings of five standing Aborigines , ca. 1818by James Wallis, Watercolour and collage, From Album of original drawings by James Wallis and Joseph Lycett, PXE 1072Each is named below portrait from left to right 'Burigon or Jack'; 'Nerang Doll'; 'Trimmer in Warriors full Drefs'; 'Walker'; and 'Nerang Wogec Playing on Shield'. Inscribed below drawing in ink `These figures of the Natives are all drawn by Major Wallis 46th Regt.' and 'These Natives all sat for their Pictures’.Digital order no: a5491083
photo tiles
BACK COVER One hand-coloured engraving, laid down, of Vaucluse Bay, 1820-1821