Blanket Lists | State Library of New South Wales

Blanket Lists

Traditionally, animal skin cloaks were the main form of insulation from the elements for Aboriginal people from much of the cooler, southern parts of the Australian continent. The cloaks were made from either kangaroo, wallaby or possum skins with some being fashioned from up to 80 pelts, taking over 12 months to acquire and make.

In 1814, Governor Macquarie initiated the official distribution of blankets to Aboriginal people. He hoped the adoption of blankets would encourage civilised habits and cooperation with the settlers. In time blankets were usually distributed by magistrates or police annually on 1st May, the Queen's Birthday.

Government agents distributing blankets to Aboriginals

Government agents distributing blankets to Aboriginals, ca. 1890-1898, by Kerry & Co.

Photograph, PX*D 398/13

Over time Aboriginal people came to depend on the issue of blankets and rations from Government. Especially since their traditional lands were being taken up by white settlers and preventing them from pursuing traditional food-gathering and hunting as well as their usual cultural practices

To account for expenditure on Aborigines, Government officials created what are called "Blanket lists", that detailed people's English name, Native Name, Probable Age, Number of wives, Children, Tribe, and District of Usual Resort.

Police were also required to report annually on the conditions of the Aboriginal people in their districts. Some of these were quite detailed returns or censuses on individuals and communities.

Although these records marked the westernisation of Indigenous culture they now provide one of the most valuable and reliable bases for family and community history research. For many Aboriginal family historians, the blanket list or return is literally the end of the line in terms of the written evidence.

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  > View the entire manuscript of blanket lists, via the Library's online catalogue Catalogue link

TRANSCRIPT: Numbers of blankets sened [sic] out at Bathurst to Aborigins [sic] in 1867. manuscript. A3016.

No Date Name Residence No. of blankets received with date
1 24th May 1867 James Nagle, Begy Dury Watton  
2 " Edwo Nerin, Bebesal Kellenbutte  
3 " Geoe Lemons, Noon nan ath Saltrem  
4 " Thos Bendaluna, Narmell Saltrem  
5 " Anthony Suttor, Canemly Mount Bank  
6 " Gelderoy, Gilebelly Kellenbutte  
7 " Nammy Gelderoy Kellenbutte  
8 " Geo Suttor, Mammdully Saltrem  
9 " Bidoh Suttor, Brumbambell Saltrem  
10 " Georgiamia Suttor, Gurkell Saltrem  
11 " James, Cumbo Bentinck [indecipherable]  
12 " John Bullock, Cumbo Swallow Creek  
13 25th May Ann Suttor, Brinekealy Wallembutta  
14 " Water, Water Wallembutta  
15 30th May Sarah Medly, Jerimin Kellenbulla  

On hands 7
RW Waters, Senr Sergt

Numbers of Blankets sened out to Aborigins in Bathurst district in the year 1868

1 25-May-68 Georgiamia Suttor Saltrem    
2 25-May-68 Bridget Suttor Saltrem    
3 25-May-68 Georgie Suttor Saltrem    
4 25" John Bullock Kings Creek 20 [indecipherable] March 1868
5 25" Gelderoy Killenbutta    
6 25" Amery Gelderoy Killenbutta    
7 25" Edward McNerin Thee Weeks    
8 25" Sally Meadly Mr Pipers    
9 26" Ann Walker Stoney creek Mr Piper    
10 26" James Needle Killenbutta, Ths Anderson    
11 27" George Lemons Saltrem    
12 27" Sarah Medley Killenbulla    

Sened out 12
On hands 15

RN Waters, , Senr Sergt

27th May 1868

No Date of Issue Aborigins Name and Residence
1 14-May-69 Georgy Suttor, Saltrem
2 " Georgianna Suttor, Saltrem
3 " Bridget Suttor, Saltrem
4 " Mary Ann Elliot, [indecipherable] of Saltrem
5 " Mary Ann Elliot, Sultrem
6 22" George [indecipherable], Killoughbutted
7 22" Edward McMevin, Killoughbutta
8 23" Ann Walker,"Bonagelle', Jillana
9 26" James Combo, William Street
10 26" Eliza McNerin, Killenbulla
11 26" Nanny Gelderoy, Killenbulla
12 27" James R Piper, Tellewan
13 27" James Needle (Bedy Dury), Chorley Suttor

Received no Blankets for 1869

No Date of Issue Aborigins Name and Residence
1 3 May 1870 Bridget Suttor - Queen of Bathurst, Saltrem
2 " George Suttor, King of Bathurst, Saltrem
3 21" Geoge Nuranda, at Andersons, Kellenbutta
4 " Wm Murray""
5 " Anthony Carmody""
6 " George Anna Suttor, Barrack Lane
7 " John McNerill, Killenbutta [indecipherable]
8 25" Dorey Parker, with Meller of Watten
9 " John Bullock, Fellima
10 31" Jimmy Miranda, Killenbutta
11 " Nanny Murray, At Andersons
12 " Sarah Medley, At Andersons
13 " Anna Walker At Pipers Tulleway
14 " Randolph Piper"
15 " Davy Tracker, Bathurst
16 " James Combo at the Vale
17 16th June Sam Peacock
18 " Mary Dowling Connell
19 28" Albert Street, Brucedale
20 " Sambo, Barthampton

Received 19 Blankets6 April 1870

No Date of Issue Aborigins Name and Residence
1 26 May 1871 Doug Smith, Bathurst
2 " George Suttor, Saltrem
3 " Bridget Suttor, Saltrem
4 24" Sir Walker, Saltrem
5 " Hamish Harper, Deleval
6 " Mary Anne Elliott, Wondmedale creek
7 " Noony Suttor, Cheskies creek
8 26" Joseph Donnelly, Bathurst
9 " Randolph Piper, Stoney creek
10 " Mary Anne Elliot, Wondmedal Creek
11 " George Mirand, Killenbutta
12 " Jimmy Miranda,"
13 " Sally Medley,"
14 " Wm Murray,"
15 " Amy Murray,"
16 " Anthony Suttor,"
17 " Betty"
18 27" Mary Parker"
19 4-Jun Albert Street"Gumbo', Brucedale

Received 19 Blankets for Aborigins for the year 1871
Bathurst 12 May 1871
RN Waters, Senior Sergeant

No Date of Issue Aborigins Name and Residence

Received 20 Blankets for Aborigins for the year 1872
Bathurst 12 April 1872
RN Waters, Senior Sergeant

No Date of Issue Aborigins Name and Residence
1 23-May-72 Anna Walker
2 " Randolf Thomas Piper
3 " George Anna Suttor
4 24" Henry Horry at Broadwater
5 25" George Suttor, Saltrem
6 25" Mary Elliott, Winmedale
7 " Charles Johnston, at John Darises, Tambarona Road
8 27" Les Watkin at Andersons Kellenbulla
9 27" Wm Murray"
10 " Ann Murray"
11 27" Doug Smith, Bathurst
12 1-Jun Mary Ann Parker, at Mrs West's
13 7" Joe Donnelly, at Mr Rankin's
14 15" Mary Ann Glass at Rankins
15 10-Jul Anthony Suttor at Andersons
16 Sept George Miranda"
17 " Jimmy Miranda, Killenbula
18 " Ned Miller
19 " Eliza Miller
20 " Sarah Medley

Received 20 Blankets 12 April 1872 for the year of 1872
RW Waters, Senior Sergeant

No Date of Issue Aborigins Name and Residence
1 23 May 1873 George Suttor, Saltrem
2 23" Doug Tracker, Bathurst
3 23 Anthony Suttor at Andersons
4 23" Mary Ann Elliott, Wimedale
5 23" Anna Walker, [indecipherable]
6 24" Randolph Thos Walker, Stoney Creek
7 24" Mary Ann Elliott, Wimedale
8 26" Joe Donnelly, Stoney creek
9 27" Henry Benjamin Bullock, Pipers, Kings Creek
10 31" Charley Johnson at Bomins
11 6-Jun Mary Ann Parker at Wests
12 " Georgianna Suttor At Andersons
13 " Les Watkins at Andersons
14 " Wm Murray, Killenbulla
15 " George Mirana, Killenbulla
16 " Sarah Medley
17 " Jane Miranda, Rankins
18 " Sarah Mately, Anderson
19 " Wm Murray,"
20 " Nanny Murray"
No Date of Issue Aborigins Name and Residence
1 20 May 1874 Mary Ann Elliott, Wimidale, Cranstons
2 20 May 1874 Mary Ann Elliott, same
3 20 May 1874 Georgianna Suttor, Blacksland
4 20 May" Henry [indecipherable] Tracker, Bathurst
5 20th" George Sutton, Woodside
6 21" Mary Ann Parker, Durham St
7 23" Jane [indecipherable] Miranda, Saltrem
8 29" Hanna Walker, Stoney creek
9 29" Randolf Thomas Piper, Stoney creek
10 29" Jo Donnelly, Stoney creek
11 14 Oct 1874 Sarah Medley, Killenbulla
12 14" Nanney Murray same
13 14" Wm Murray same
14 15" Nane Gilderon same
15 16" Sarah Piper same
16 17" Murrenbidge, same

Received 16 Blankets from Sydney for the year 1874
Bathurst, 20 March 1874
RN Waters, Senr Sergt

Last Supply     Supply Required  
No of Blankets Date of Receipt On Hand No required Actual no of aborigines in Distt
16 20 March 1874 Nil 17 17

Number of Blankets sened out to Blacks in 1875

Received 17 Blankets from Sydney for the year 1875
2 April 1875, Bathurst
RN Walker, Senior Sergeant

No Date of Issue Aborigins Name and Residence
1 Jane Clay Mirand, Rankins of Saltrem
2 Mary Ann Parker Rankins of Saltrem
3 Georgie Sutton Bathurst
4 George Mirande Tokomas Anderson, 17 May 75, Killenbutt
5 Mary Ann Elliott Womedal, Cranstons, 21 May 1875
6 Mary Ann Elliott same same
7 Margret Elliott same same
8 Doug Smith Stoney Creek at Pipers, 21 May 75
9 Jo Donnelly Same H Pipers 21 May 75
10 John Carter Stoney Creek
11 Dorah Medley Killenbulla
12 Bonna Gella Stoney Creek
13 Randolf Thomas Piper Stoney Creek
14 Hany James Tracker Bathurst
15 Sarah Piper Stoney Creek, Killenbutta
16 Hannah Walker Stoney Creek
17 Wm Murray Killenbutta

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