Scanned card catalogue

Search the Scanned Card Catalogue

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Type in an author or subject. Some titles are also listed.

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What is the Scanned Card Catalogue?

The Scanned Card Catalogue contains photographic images of the cards in the State Reference Library's Card Catalogue. It contains published material received by the Library before 1980.

When to search the Scanned Card Catalogue

Always start your search in the online Catalogue.

Check the Scanned Card Catalogue if the item you are looking for is not in the online catalogue and it was published before 1980.

Using the Scanned Card Catalogue

The cards are arranged in one alphabetical sequence. Some of the photographic images of cards may not allow you to read them easily. If you have difficulty reading the cards and need further assistance, ask a librarian or go to the Information Desk if you are in the Library.

How to search the Scanned Card Catalogue

Enter your search term. Entry points into the catalogue have been placed approximately every 50th card. If what you are looking for is not an entry point, your search will take you to the closest alphabetical entry. Select this and browse through the cards.