Grave of a Wiradjuri man at Gobothery Hill, near Condobolin, 1817
GE Evans
Journals of two expeditions into the interior of New South Wales, undertaken by order of the British government in the years 1817–18, London: John Murray
DL Q82/74
In July 1817, the explorer John Oxley came upon the grave of a Wiradjuri man at Gobothery Hill, near Condobolin, on the Lachlan River. The man was buried under a large mound of earth with the ground around it swept clean …
To the west and north of the grave were two cypress-trees distant between fifty and sixty feet; the sides towards the tomb were barked, and curious characters deeply cut upon them, in a manner which, considering the tools they possess, must have been a work of great labour and time.
When Oxley published his journals in 1820, he included a drawing of the Gobothery grave site by GE Evans.