
State Library of New South Wales

Rainbow lorikeet (Trichoglossus haematodus), 1790s

TAL & Dai-ichi Life Derby Collection, Mitchell Library, State Library of NSW; Purchased from The Rt Hon. The 19th Earl of Derby, 2011; PXD 1098, vol. 4, f. 40


Rainbow lorikeets feed mainly on nectar and pollen. They also eat fruit, seeds and insects.
Rainbow lorikeets are found in a wide range of tree habitats including rainforests and woodlands as well as urban areas.
Rainbow lorikeet eggs are usually laid on chewed, decayed wood in the hollow limb of a eucalyptus tree.
Rainbow lorikeets are frequently seen in screeching, chattering flocks.
The Rainbow lorikeet is highly coloured with a blue head and belly, green wings, tail and back and an orange/yellow breast.
Rainbow lorikeets are a species of parrot distributed in coastal regions across northern and eastern Australia.