
State Library of New South Wales

Lysaught's butcher shop, Hill End

Glass photonegative

Before refrigeration, part of the butcher’s skill was estimating the amount of meat that could be sold each day, especially in summer. To make the carcasses more attractive, some butchers made decorative patterns on the surface by slicing through the fat layers to reveal the darker muscle underneath. Price gouging was commonplace. In August 1872, the price of beef in Hill End suddenly rose to 6d a pound [11 cents per kg]. The miners held a meeting to form a meat cooperative and the butchers quickly halved their price.

From Queanbeyan Age, 7 November 1872

On Wednesday last a butcher… raised the price of his meat from 4d to 6d per lb. His shop was mobbed by about 500 diggers. Serious rioting took place. Three men were shot. Commissioner Jardine telegraphed to the Colonial Secretary, who empowered him to swear in special constables and pay for special services. [Queanbeyan Age, 7 November 1872]