
State Library of New South Wales

Herbert Street, west side looking north from Mayne Street and showing Barnes' Chemist Shop, Gulgong

Glass photonegative

The Australian Town and Country Journal, 16 March 1872, described this scene:

… on the left stands a branch of Mr. Barnes's chemist shop. But walk leisurely down the street and you will find it flanked on each side by public houses, Ch+D45inese eating-houses, Chinese stores, a few European drapery and general stores, billiard-saloons, and fruit-shops. The lower part of Herbert-street is considered to be the Seven Dials (a notorious London slum) of Gulgong; and some queer scenes take place there all night long … Where you were standing the loafers and spongers of the place assemble in hundreds by day and by night.

Lucky Strike – Brenda Saunders

Tales of instant wealth and fortune stir men 

to cross the world, sail to southern lands

They follow news of the latest rush, buy 

a Miner’s Claim to the ‘poor man’s gold’

Each day a hundred miners tramp or ride

bring family, households on horse and dray

Pass shopfront stores, a Joint Stock Bank

built to hold the wealth of a new frontier

Here they are lining up, posing for a photo

on a Gulgong street. Rich men, poor men

chancer or cove, they  weigh their takings

balance profit and loss at Tang Lee’s store

Are there no old men, no youths or girls

no women to step down this busy street?

Where are the photos of music-hall dancers

warming the hearts of the men about town?

Loafers and spongers who gamble all night

in hotels, fancy places down the road?

after Herbert Street Gulgong, west side looking north - a2822178