
State Library of New South Wales

Oz, February 1964

Oz magazine ran in Sydney from 1963-1969. Magazine editor Richard Neville and artist Martin Sharp left Sydney for London in 1966 and brought out the first London edition of Oz in 1967. London Oz ran until 1973.

London Oz faced its own legal trouble when Richard Neville and co-editors Jim Anderson and Felix Dennis were charged with conspiring to corrupt public morals over the May 1970 issue, which had invited schoolchildren to create their own issue. 

As an undergraduate arts student at the University of New South Wales, Neville was the editor of student magazine Tharunka, which still runs today. 

Neville became a television personality in his later career, appearing on ‘The Midday Show’ in the 1980s and creating his own program, ‘Extra Dimensions’, on the topic of sustainability. 

Neville’s first book Playpower acted as a hippie manifesto, providing information about the traveller’s route overland from Asia to Europe and compiling notes on the international underground scene.