
State Library of New South Wales

Get stuffed! I am the Queen of Australia


Mitchell Poster 1678

The most dramatic political event in Australia since federation occurred on 11 November 1975. At 1.15pm Sir John Kerr, the Governor General of Australia and the Queen’s representative dismissed the Whitlam Labor Government, dissolved parliament and appointed Malcolm Fraser as caretaker Prime Minister. Fraser went on to win a general election on 13 December 1975 and Whitlam remained as leader of the Labor party until 1977.  

Further reading:

By Alison Wishart

Further reading:

Gough Whitlam: a tribute: 1916-2014

GQ 2015/376  

Gough Whitlam, the definitive biography by Jenny Hocking.


Whitlam: The Dismissal of a Government compiled by Vince Marotta


Matters for judgement : an autobiography  by Sir John Kerr
