
State Library of New South Wales

Café Trim and Library Shop in sketchbook, 2015

Charcoal, graphite and watercolour on machine made paper

PXD 1402 item 1

Artistic engagement with the Library is encouraged with our Drawing the Library program. In March this year, artist John Bokor was the first artist in residence in the program:

‘These days I draw as much as I can. I have many sketchbooks going at the same time with different sizes and types of paper, some for landscapes and others for life drawing. I also like to do larger drawings on loose sheets of paper, which are as detailed and involved as a painting of the same size.’ 

John Bokor, SL Magazine, Autumn 2015

Drawing the Library – the inexactness of drawing

By Louise Anemaat, 2015

When artist John Bokor visited the Mitchell Library Reading Room during Sydney Festival a couple of years ago, he found himself more interested in the room than what he’d actually come for. A short time later, as Head of Pictures, I received a request from John for permission to draw in the Mitchell Library Reading Room.

John is devoted to drawing. For him, drawing is not about perfection or virtuosity over the medium but rather `a shared experience of the human condition.’ Precisely one of the things he enjoys about drawing is its imperfections. In the digital age we’ve become `used to a level of perfection that has in many ways corrected the inaccuracies of the human hand.’ It is these inaccuracies that are `exactly what I am looking for in drawing’, the inexactness of a very human form of expression ...