
State Library of New South Wales

Design, proofs and finished bookplate featuring Sir Winston Churchill’s coat-of-arms, November 1955

Pencil, ink on paper

DGA 70

Sir Winston Churchill became one of the most recognised public figures of the 20th century by serving England as a soldier and politician for over 70 years. Soon after his death on 24 January 1965, the Australian Prime Minister Sir Robert Menzies launched a nationwide appeal for funds to create a Trust in Churchill’s memory. Australia’s World War II Returned Servicemen and women demonstrated their admiration and respect for Churchill by conducting the greatest one-day door knock in Australian history. The appeal raised over 2 million pounds and the Winston Churchill Memorial Trust was established to administer the funds and the Churchill Fellowship award scheme. 2015 marks the 50th anniversary. 

Churchill painted boldly with colour, his works almost always landscapes bereft of people. He was elected to the Royal Academy of Arts, allowing him to submit six paintings a year, even when prime minister. To avoid attention, he often painted under the pseudonyms ‘Mr Winter’ and ‘Charles Maurin’. Churchill said he painted to escape the responsibilities of his work and is reported to have said: ‘If it weren't for painting, I wouldn't live; I couldn't bear the extra strain of things.’

Jennifer King, ABC News, 24 January 2015

The pre­eminent British statesman famously said of his approach to death: ‘I am prepared to meet my Maker. Whether my Maker is prepared for the great ordeal of meeting me is another matter.’

Jennifer King, ABC News, 24 January 2015

The letter V became a symbol of resistance in Europe during WWII. Churchill used it often, either with the back of his hand or his palm and occasionally with exotic variations. He once made the symbol with his legs while lying on a beach in North Africa.

Jennifer King, ABC News, 24 January 2015

Known to have worn pink silk underwear, Churchill developed a unique style of dress involving polka ­dot bow ties, hats and a custom ­made wartime siren­suit which he wore at all times to be prepared for anything. He also loved to take baths.

Jennifer King, ABC News, 24 January 2015

In January 1942 he flew from Bermuda to Plymouth on board a BOAC Boeing 314 'Berwick' flying boat. He took the controls and was allowed by the captain Kelly Rogers, to continue smoking. ‘I must confess that I felt rather frightened ... I thought perhaps I had done a rash thing that there were too many eggs in one basket,’ he said afterward. ‘I had always regarded an Atlantic flight with awe. But the die was cast.’

Jennifer King, ABC News, 24 January 2015

According to the Oxford English Dictionary, Churchill received the first known use of the expression 'OMG' in a letter from a friend.

Jennifer King, ABC News, 24 January 2015

By age 26, he had written five books and in 1953 he won the Nobel Prize for literature

Jennifer King, ABC News, 24 January 2015

While fighting in the second Boer War, he was captured at gunpoint by future South African president Louis Botha, but managed to escape.

Jennifer King, ABC News, 24 January 2015

‘Churchill Memorial Sunday’ was an Australia wide doorknock held Sunday 28 February 1965 – only four weeks after Churchill’s funeral.

Sir Winston Churchill died on January 24, 1965 at the age of 90, following a stroke. His body lay in state for three days in the Palace of Westminster before his funeral on January 30, attended by the largest gathering of world leaders in history at that time.

Jennifer King, ABC News, 24 January 2015

His cigar smoking was a habit developed when serving in Cuba with Spanish forces in 1895, but he only ever smoked about half of each one. He started the habit at a young age and by the time he was 20, a doctor warned him that unless he gave up cigars and champagne, he would be dead in five years.

Jennifer King, ABC News, 24 January 2015

World War I was a different story ...

It was Churchill who gave the signal to launch the disastrous Gallipoli campaign in his position as Britain's First Lord of the Admiralty. The debacle earned him a reputation for rashness and bad judgement with the lives of men which he never lived down.