
State Library of New South Wales

Death of a Fan Dancer

Cover artwork



Promotional Copy - Death of a Fan Dancer by John Carlshon

By Frank Johnson Publications

A tangled skein of smouldering hatreds and ambitions, of illicit love, was bared for the unravelling when the beauteous Lena was found lying dead in her dressing-room. 

Pulp Covers

By Toni Johnson-Woods Pulp- A collector’s book of Australian pulp fiction covers pg 9

“A pulp cover illustrated its story ‘in media res’ – using an image designed to make the reader stop and ponder what has happened before and how will it end? And hopefully buy the book to find answers. As pulps were generally viewed from a distance, they had to signal ‘come on  ... buy me’, drawing browsers even closer to engage with physical contact with the book. Thus the images had to whisper mental associations transitory and complex- they contained public symbols that mirrored private desires”