
State Library of New South Wales

New South Wales general standing orders …, 1802

New South Wales general standing orders …, 1802

Safe 1 / 17a

David Scott Mitchell bequest, 1907

'The New South Wales general standing orders', 1802, was the first book published in Australia. Early governors of New South Wales issued daily orders which formed the legislation of the colony. The orders were circulated throughout the colony by such means as having them read in church. Some orders and proclamations were printed as broadsides, but only a few examples survive. In 1802 a book of orders was published as 'The New South Wales General Standing Orders'. Printed at the Government Press by George Howe, it was the first book published in Australia. From 5 March 1803 orders and proclamations were printed in the newly established newspaper the 'Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser'

A small wooden printing press was brought out with the First Fleet in 1788.

The front endpaper is inscribed 'William Henry Wells, Surveyor'

The publisher was George Howe, a convict and printer by trade, who arrived in November 1800.

The Mitchell Library holds two of the only three surviving copies of this book; the other copy is held in the British Library.

This copy appears to have been the preliminary issue, owned by Howe himself. It has been marked up with corrections, which were incorporated in the final printing.

The orders cover diverse topics ranging from the 'punishment of restless and turbulent characters' to the granting of emancipations and pardons.