
State Library of New South Wales

An account of the battle of Pozieres, July 1916

Donated by D Horton, ca. 1919, Horton war diary, ca. 1918
MLMSS 1991


‘The noise overhead apart from the bursting of the innumerable shells recalled the swish of the wings of countless thousands of birds flying above.’

Douglas David Horton, 22 July 1916

‘Chaos and weird noises like thousands of iron foundries, deafening and dreadful, coupled with the roar of high explosives …’
Alan Allsop, 20 July 1916

‘The noise of the guns, grenades and machine guns was terrific. No one can realise what the noise is like unless they are close by.’
Langford Colley-Priest, 19–20 July 1916